Sunday, June 16, 2013

Saturday - Zip Lining

Saturday we had scheduled zip lining at 12:30.  It was one of the two things the boys decided they wanted to pay for for their adventures - it was a set of 7 zip lines taking about 3 hours and they served lunch. 

The meeting place wasn't too far from the condo so they headed out about 12:15.  The ride up was in the back of an old army vehicle with a canvas top, three wheels on back side of the rear to get them up the mountain.  The party they were in had two more couples, but the guides were having some fun with them...they let Troy go first and video everyone coming down; they let them twist; they let them record themselves.  There will be great video of the whole thing! 

They went to the pool after; had dinner (lasagna and mashed potatoes-thank you Costco) and then back to the pool.

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