Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday - Surfing

Today is our last day in paradise - I can't believe how fast the time has gone, we have had such a great time!  The boys (I am sure they wouldn't like to be called that - I don't know how many times I have heard "I am 18") decided they couldn't leave Hawaii without trying their hand (foot) at surfing.

With the recommendation for a great beach we headed out....the beach was in a beautiful cove in Lihue where the Marriott is.  They rented 3 surf boards , and after a brief surf lesson from Troy, 3 of them headed out to "Catch Some Waves".  Then when they came in the next ones headed out and so on unril they were Finished with it.  They all did great, and loved every minute of it!

On the way back we decided to get take-out (Costco had served us well but we had blown through it all), so we dropped the boys off and went off to Kaapa.  It was a mistake of the first degree - because of Fathers Day, I guess everyone had headed to the North Shore and were on their way home on a one lane road causing a traffic jam.  The bad thing about a traffic jam in Hawaii there is no alternative route because there is only one road, so....we took 30 minutes to go 5 miles with hot pizza in the back that was slowly turning cold.  We did finally make it, made a salad, warmed up the pizza and had a great dinner.

Saturday - Zip Lining

Saturday we had scheduled zip lining at 12:30.  It was one of the two things the boys decided they wanted to pay for for their adventures - it was a set of 7 zip lines taking about 3 hours and they served lunch. 

The meeting place wasn't too far from the condo so they headed out about 12:15.  The ride up was in the back of an old army vehicle with a canvas top, three wheels on back side of the rear to get them up the mountain.  The party they were in had two more couples, but the guides were having some fun with them...they let Troy go first and video everyone coming down; they let them twist; they let them record themselves.  There will be great video of the whole thing! 

They went to the pool after; had dinner (lasagna and mashed potatoes-thank you Costco) and then back to the pool.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Friday - Poipu

The boys were pooped after their big day yesterday and said they wanted to just stay in .... To that we said NO WAY!  You can rest at home, you are in Hawaii!  The bus leaves at 11:00!  

We still had 2 who had met some girls the night before in the hot tub, that wanted to stay behind to hang out with them, so we took Chase, Ian, Cade and Zak to Poipu.  We found a great little beach - Cade remembered from his last trip here - where  they did body surfing and boogy boarding.  They had company...there were several HUGE Sea Turtles out there with them.  What fun to watch.

Afterward we took them out to a late lunch across the street.  It was above the surf shop with a great view of the beach. We stopped at the Poipu Shopping Village where they picked up a few souvenirs and then back to the condo for a dinner of bar-b-que chicken and scalloped potatoes.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Hanakapi'ai Falls

Today was the hike to Hanakapi'ai Falls.  Ranked as one of the top 10 most beautiful waterfalls in the world, to see it you must hike 8 miles round trip. It is at the end of the Highway 560 on the north side, about 45 minutes from our accommodations.  Parking was at a premium, so I dropped them at the trailhead so they could get going.  The guys wore their swimsuits, sturdier shoes, sun screen, and carried in sandwiches, chips and water.  

They took off running, leaving Troy (the old man) behind.  Chase slowed down to walk with his Dad, and they caught up with the other 5 after 2 miles when they reached the first beach in a cave - where you don' t go swimming, because the currents will take you out and not bring you back.

Then it was off the next 2 miles up - steep terrain through the river and bamboo.  When Troy and Chase caught up with the guys again they were 10 minutes away from their final destination, swimming in a pond....maybe thinking they were there?  They pushed forward and reached the falls - what an accomplishment!  And what a sight....

By the time they came down it was 6 hrs later!      
They then did some snorkeling in Ke'e Bay where they saw a number of fish and eel.  A long day but fun and tiring.  
Dinner at home of enchiladas and mixed veggies!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Napali Coast

They're off!  It's 6:00 am and they are heading out the door to the boats that will take them to the Napali Coast....where they will be able to snorkel, swim, go in the caves and be served lunch and drinks before returning back after 6 hours! They were so excited this morning, can't wait to hear how it goes! (For those of you wondering why I didn't go, its because ever since I had radiation, small boats make me so seasick it would ruin it for everyone 😢. I hate it, because I scuba dived before and I even have trouble doing that...)

They had a fabulous time!  The boats were pontoon boats with out board motors....they were told there could be no complaining, that the waters might get "exciting" and if there was any chance they would get seasick or scared to back out now!  They actually had a Mom leave before they left and boy, am I glad I didn't go!  It was a 70 mile boat ride past the beautiful coast and into the caves.  They were able to go on shore to have lunch and learned about the many tribes that had been there for hundreds of years.  Their tour guide - Jordan - shown with them in the picture below - showed them a great time and they said it was well worth their time and money!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Kauai and Sandcastles

Our first full day in Kauai....we need to go sit through a timeshare spiel to get our discount cards for the booked adventures.  It was scheduled up by Princeville around lunchtime, and we were thinking we could take the boys up to the pool there or a beach nearby.  They had other ideas....they were still lounging in their beds, playing with their electronics and weren't ready to go anywhere at 11:30 in the morning.

We made the trip, listened to the sales person, turned them down and came back, finding all the guys at the hotel pool....there is a Wyndham hotel that is part of this complex that has a fabulous set of pools, including one with a volleyball net, one with a slide which goes into a sand pool with an attached bar, and one with waterfalls, plus two hot tubs....and a full access beach - but not a real swimming beach....all of which we have access to.  They had spent the afternoon between the slide and the beach.  Chase, Cade, Zak, Ian, and Riley built this beautiful sandcastle on the beach (while Kaelan slept) without any sand tools! 

The Rough Life of a Chaperone

While I know most of you would love to be here, there have been those that have physically moaned when we said we were chaperoning 6 boys on their Sr. Trip.  I can honestly say that we are having a fabulous time and truly enjoying our time with these guys. While we may not be with them 24/7, when we are, they are so much fun! And they totally entertain each other....So, as you can see, we are still smiling and grateful to be here enjoying the Islands, the weather and the company.  Thanks for sharing them with us!

Pearl Harbor, Part II

Early Monday morning before we left for Kauai, Troy ran down to get us tickets to the USS Arizona. The boys had met some girls the night before at a Grad Night activity and had stayed out a little late, so weren't really excited to get up early to pack and go.  So we were literally running through crowds of people to get to the movie on time.  But we all agreed it was worth every minute of it. The movie and monument remind us all of the sacrifice and loss of that day.

After the tour we headed to the airport - we were off to Kauai! After a short flight, and short drive, we pulled into the Wyndham Kauai Beach Villas.  A little too early for check in, we decided to do our weeks grocery shopping, so off to Costco we went (where we also grabbed lunch), and then back for check-in.  The boys 2 bedroom condo was great!  Equipped with a 40" flat screen, iPod speakers, 2 bathrooms and a full kitchen, with a walk out deck on the ground floor facing the pool - they were set.  We were also able to book some great adventures for the week with the people at the office - at a discount!

We finished this quiet day with lasagna and garlic bread and they hung out and played cards.

Sunday, Sunday

It started with the decision to go to the North Shore to catch some bigger waves to body surf.  On the road, we happened upon a fruit stand, one that had come highly recommended, where the guys had the opportunity to purchase a coconut and drink the milk right thru a straw!  I can't remember when it started but this had become a quest - one they hadn't figured out the logistics for....but, luckily, this little lady had everything they needed.  Alas, it wasn't as good as they wanted it to Cade, trying to prolong the adventure, bought some fruits he hadn't had before - raw sugar cane and coconut.  Everyone was able to try each, but they declared the coconut had no flavor and the sugar cane, while good was like chewing wood.  Luckily, we had purchased some other fruit which was delicious - mangos, pineapple and kiwis!
After the fruit stand, we were trying to find a GREAT beach when a local guy gave us his recommendation.  It turned out to be perfect, where the guys spent 5 hours in the water....looking more like happy little boys than half grown men!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Jimmy Buffets

Debating what to do about dinner ended with Zak's decision - Jimmy Buffets!  Tired and famished from a day at the beach - they enjoyed Virgin Margaritas and Deluxe Hamburgers / Coconut Shrimp.  After dinner, the night life of Waikiki beckoned!  (Plus a million other people).

Diamond Head

 Saturday morning  they had decided to hike up Diamond Head to start their day!  Getting them up was actually easy, probably because Hawaii time is 4 hours behind.  When they reached the trail base, they realized that they didn't have any water and thought it prudent that they get some as it is a mile and half hike.  They circled the "mountain", grabbed some water at the local ABC Store and off they went.  An easy hike for these young bucks, but what a spectacular way to start the day!  At the bottom, snow cones for all!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Honolulu "Hotel"

I have had the privilege of coming to Hawaii on business and therefore, having better accommodations than one might get in Honolulu on ones own budget. We knew that the boys couldn't and didn't want to spend $300 a night, so we looked for something close, clean and inexpensive.  What we got met those criteria but with one caveat - they would have to share beds or take turns sleeping on the floor.  Mind you these are not small guys, nor are they used to sharing, but after all it is Hawaii.  I was a little suprised however, that they had as many problems with it as they did - but when push came to shove - everyone found a place to sleep when they were tired enough.....3 to one bed, 2 to another, and someone took his own.  After all, they need a place to sleep, shower and GO....


The trip begins and real life hits.... Budgeting!   At the airport in LA given the choice for breakfast of 4 or 5 different places, one young man exclaimed "Troy, that's too many choices."   And when at last decisions were made and the cashier rung up the total..."$3 for a bagel!  Harmon's has them for a $1".  We touch down in Hawaii, and it's 4 o'clock SLC time but lunch time here - cheap is what they want for lunch.  Budgeting for breakfast where milk is $6 a gallon....but let's split that 8 ways!  Life lessons already!

Hillcrest High School Graduation 2013

It all started with football....some earlier than others, but it was what they bonded over.  Over the years they have experienced happiness, sadness, thrills, disagreements, challenges,  success, disappointments and of course (because of things beyond their control) losing seasons, but through it all they have remained friends - bros - that have cheered one another on.  They graduated this week, together, and now are on a trip they have been planning and saving for, for nine months!  As one of the mothers to these boys, I can only say how proud we all are of them!  They have been such great young men, and they have great futures in front of them!  Good luck boys!

Pearl Harbor


Our first stop after McDonalds was Pear Harbor.  I was pleasantly surprised that these boys wanted to visit this wonderful historic site, but I should have known that boys know about War!  Unfortunately for us the boat to the USS Arizona sells out by 7:00 in the morning and the last boat is at 1:00 but they did get to go aboard the USD Bowfin and tour the submarine!  What a bunch of hams!   Off to check into the hotel!